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Media awards 2019

Ian Dunt

Ian was the best possible journalistic guide to help us understand Brexit in 2019, and made as much plain English sense as anyone of the daily chaos. It didn’t help that most of the political parties were in disarray. Making political news accessible is difficult enough during relatively tranquil times. But to have produced such readable articles out of the often unprecedented mayhem was no small feat. Dunt firmly established himself as a major talent in trying times.

Femi Oluwole

Femi was seemingly everywhere this year, engagingly speaking truth to power with little more than eloquently-expressed facts. In truth, we didn’t have enough Femis to go around in 2019. He was a regular guest on panel shows, somehow not only keeping his cool in the face of blatant lies but regularly managing to demolish his counterpart with simple, well-spoken truths. He obviously cares, and his commitment to plain English facts was infectious. We sincerely hope he sticks at it in 2020.

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