Plain English awards 2018
George Eliot Maternity Hospital
George Eliot Maternity Hospital produce many of their own leaflets, and the patient-focussed information they provide, both online and in print, is admirably clear and useful.
Independent Age
Independent Age is no stranger to our awards, having won previously. 2018 sees them continue their excellent work, and we’re delighted to celebrate their standard-bearing performance with further plaudits for more excellent booklets.
Nuffield Health
Nuffield Health were nominated by several people for their ‘Discharge information following cataract surgery’ leaflet, for easy-to-understand reasons. It’s an excellent example of how information leaflets should look. (Sorry.)
By Miles
By Miles’s ‘Your Policy Handbook’ is a comprehensive glossary of terms to accompany their motor insurance policies. It does an excellent job of clearing up a lot of potentially mystifying information.
Dementia UK
Dementia UK were nominated by several children of parents afflicted with dementia. The clarity of their communication, regarding what’s obviously a very stressful and emotive matter, is extremely important in helping those dealing with dementia understand what they need to.