Media awards 2016
The following all win a Media Award for outstanding journalism that deals directly with plain English or the need for clearer communication.
Steve Lipin and Adam Rosman (New York Times)
A Plea for Plain English in Financial Documents’
Micha Solomon (Forbes)
Improve Customer Service By Speaking The Customer's Language (Not Making Them Learn Yours)’
James Daley (Daily Telegraph)
Don't play the critical-illness cover lottery’
James Daley of Fairer Finance, writing in the Telegraph: “It’s a great honour to win a Plain English award. The Plain English Campaign has been an inspiration for Fairer Finance, and it informs much of the work that we do. In spite of all our best efforts, there’s miles and miles left for the financial services industry to travel. Most terms and conditions are completely incomprehensible for the average customer. The consequence is that many people are buying products that they don’t understand, and which don’t meet their needs. But it’s a battle that we know can be won - and we’ve got plenty of fight left in us.”
Jason Zweig (Wall Street Journal/Vanguard)
Caveat Lector: Jason Zweig on the infernal jargon of finance’